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The Blueprint Collaborative

What is the Blueprint Collaborative?

The Blueprint Collaborative – hosted by the League for Innovation in the Community College – is a FREE multi-year community of practice that helps participating institutions redesign their institutional structure, policy, and practice to be holistically supportive of student success.


Both community colleges and four-year institutions are welcome to participate!


With support from DIA Higher Education Collaborators, the Blueprint Collaborative will function to support participating institutions and disseminate the process and results of the collaborative by:

  1. Articulating a framework for holistic student support.

  2. Providing tools and guidance to assess, redesign, and evaluate institutional student success efforts.

  3. Facilitating regular guided meetings among participating institutions.

  4. Disseminating both process and results to the higher education community.

But what exactly do you mean by holistic student success?

While ​research into factors like growth mindset and sense of belonging has captivated many educators, colleges and universities still struggle to implement such changes. This is because our system of higher education was not built with a holistic approach to student success in mind.


The Community College Research Center has identified five key principles to holistic advising.

Sustained support is offered to students throughout their tenure at the college.

Strategic deployment of advising resources is achieved by creating systems that differentiate support for students depending on their needs and interests.

Integration of advising with other student supports as well as other aspects of the college experience is likely to serve students more effectively.

Proactive advising is needed to make sure that all students are reached; students who most need support may not come and ask for it.

Personalized advising is achieved when advising is offered by someone who knows the student well and is attuned to their needs and interests.

CCRC's work in this area can help us understand what holistic support - particularly compared to a traditional, "academic advising" perspective - might look like. However, at DIA, we've noticed that there are certain institutional settings that must be in place before this type of work can flourish.

Who is involved in the Blueprint Collaborative?

  • The League will serve as the host organization, connecting members with experts in the field

  • DIA will serve as the lead facilitator, organizing all content and meetings

  • YOU! We are seeking at least 4-6 participating institutions interested in implementing a holistic approach to student success. These institutions could be of any shape, size, sector, or location within the U.S.

When will this take place?

We envision this work taking place over a 3-year cycle, though participating institutions can leave or join at any time.

  • Beginning in the Fall of 2024, Year 1 will involve an assessment of the institution's current state, as well as planning for possible changes. 

  • Year 2 (beginning in the Fall of 2025) will involve implementing the changes identified in Year 1. 

  • The final year will focus on evaluating the impact of the changes from Year 2 and disseminating those findings.

How much does it cost?

  • Nothing! There is no cost to participate in the Blueprint Collaborative.

What's the latest with the Blueprint Collaborative?

During the Spring and Summer of 2024, our focus is primarily on spreading awareness and recruiting participating institutions. In August 2024, we will host a webinar to formally kick-off the collaborative.


Then, throughout the academic year, we'll be hosting monthly meetings to:

  • Review each facet of holistic support.

  • Discuss relevant research and best practice.

  • Chat with experts in the field.

  • Share our own journeys.


For now, complete the form below to stay in the loop, and check back here for updates! We will reach out individually to respondents to discuss next steps and potential implementation at your institution.

Interested in joining the Blueprint Collaborative?

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